Approved By AICTE, Government of Maharashtra and Affiliated to University of Mumbai.
Approved By AICTE , Recognized by DTE and Affiliated to
University of Mumbai.
Masters in Management Studies
Admission Process:
Course Details (M.M.S )
Master's Degree in Management Studies (Two Years Full-Time Course)
About the course
The MMS programme prepares a student for a career in diverse sectors nationally as well as globally. It facilitates absorption & application of knowledge in theory and practice across multiple functional areas of management. It enables students to adopt an integrated approach towards real life situations and circumstances.
The full-time MMS course is of 2 years duration consisting of four academic semesters and is open to candidates who have taken a Bachelor's Degree in any faculty of University of Mumbai, or, any other University recognized hereto, and eligibility as per the notification issued by Directorate of Technical Education (DTE).
The functional groups provided at Anjuman-I-Islam's Allana Institute of Management Studies are
Human Resources
Information Technology
As per the university syllabus the students need to compulsorily undertake two months summer internship after completion of their first-year examination.
Evaluation Criteria:
We follow the system of continuous evaluation of student performance during the semester. This includes Mid-term tests, surprise class tests, assignments, projects, presentations, Quizzes etc.
Eligbility & Process:
Eligibility criteria would be as per the directions laid down by the Government of Maharashtra, D.T.E and University of Mumbai Authorities from time to time. Graduate in any discipline with 50% aggregate for open category and 45% aggregate for reserved category and has appeared for either MH-CET, CMAT, CAT etc. entrance exams.
The tuition fees, Development fees, Other fees and Refundable Library deposit should be paid by Cheque/Demand Draft in favor of “A.I.I.'s Allana Institute of Management Studies”
List of Documents:
Entrance exam Score Card (Original)
Leaving Certificate (L.C.)/Transference Certificate
S.S.C. Marksheet/Board Certificate
H.S.C. Marksheet/Board Certificate
First Year to Final Year Marksheet (Graduation)
Degree Certificate (Passing Certificate) / Convocation
Caste Validity Certificate & Creamy Layer Certificate (if applicable)
Migration Certificate (Other than Mumbai University)
Domicile Certificate (DC) / Nationality Certificate (NC)
Passport Size Photograph
Minority Affidavit
Gap Affidavit
Parent - Student undertaking with regards to Anti-Ragging Act
Institutional Membership:
Bombay Management Association
All India Management Association
Association of Indian Management Schools
National Human Resource Development Network
All India Achievers Foundation
Forum of Management Institutes
Forum of Minority Management Institutes
British Council Library
The American Library
Economic and HR Development Association